------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.”.
Bob Newhart US comedian & television actor (1929 - )
It was totally like coming out of a fiction book, where the main character caught her loves one sleeping with other girl.
I know it is my consequences though Because it was my decision for not sleeping with him, Not to give my virginity to him.
Despite that, I hate the fact he lied to me. I hate the fact he wants to come back to my life After he broke up with me and I already move on. I hate male ego! And now after I gave him his second chance Just to find out that he made my world upside down and then decided to get back with that girl.. Thanks a lot.
(Is it true that we shouldn’t give any second chance? We shouldn’t get back at all with our EXs? Yeah… I’m too naïve apparently… I need to learn more about love and relationships)
In some weird way, I felt liberated. I give thanks to God that I found out about this Two days before my exam because I know I can study better now. Since he got back into my life, I can’t be myself. I felt so insecure that I need to hear from him like everyday, Every so often and that made me can’t live my life to the fullest. And I hate that!
(I heard the ‘right man’ should make you feel like yourself more And not the other way around, right?)
I was going to say anyway to him that I think it is not working out between us. I am not being myself when you are in my life and I can’t deal with it. However, being a girl, it is so hard to be strong and say such things! Usually we compromise with our feelings and accept things even though It is not seems right anymore…
Now, again, I’m thankful because I bump into this It truly is made me sealed all the streets-of-hope being with him in my heart. And I know I can move on.
Thanks for all my dearest friends and family for being here with me I’m so blessed to have you all in my life :)
Ps. For some reason, This past 2 days I really like this song…
Usai Sudah - by Tangga
Di dalam kesunyian Kau dan aku terdiam Bersiap untuk hadapi kenyataan Bahwa jalan terbaik, bagi sebuah Hubungan tanpa ikrar adalah berpisah
Usai segalanya di sini Semua tak mungkin lagi ku beri Karna kau bukan cinta yang sungguh Jujur aku tak sanggup lagi Terus membohongi hati nurani Kita hanya s'pasang manusia Yang salah memahami cinta
Sempat ego bicara Pada pendirian kita Mencoba tuk memaksakan Dan acuhkan logika Bahwa meskipun cinta tak harus memiliki Namun jalinan cinta tetap perlu janji
Usai segalanya di sini Semua tak mungkin lagi ku beri Karna kau bukan cinta yang sungguh Jujur aku tak sanggup lagi Terus membohongi hati nurani Kita hanya s'pasang manusia Yang salah memahami cinta
Bersiap untuk hadapi kenyataan Bahwa jalan terbaik bagi sebuah Hubungan tanpa ikrar adalah berpisah Karna jalinan cinta tetap perlu janji
Usai sampai di sini Tak mungkin lagi ku beri .. padamu.. Oohh.. Cintaku yang ternyata semu
Jujur aku tak sanggup lagi Terus membohongi hati nurani Kita hanya s'pasang manusia Yang salah memahami cinta