Despite the fact that everything is expensive in NZ,
the others... are unbelievably wonderful and beautiful =)

Beside is the scenery view from our apartment balcony,
Most of the days, we spent it on skiing or snowboarding.
What a lovely experiences!! ^___^
We took a ski/snowboard lesson (group lesson/private which is more expensive)
almost everyday during the first 6 days in NZ.
So everyday routine are:
*. Woke up in the morning, took breakfast at the apartment.
*. Get ready in ski suit, ski boots, and drove to ski area
(The Remarkables or The Coronet Peak).
*. Bought the lesson's and chair lift tickets.
*. Started the ski/snowboard activities!! :)
*. Went home, tired, deciding whether want to have dinner at the apartment or go out to supper.
*. Went to buy takeaways (because we are so tired/ just wanna spend our time finishing our 2000 pieces Disney's Puzzles) or went to restaurant.
*. Went to sleep, recharged our energy for tomorrow.

The Winding road to ski area.. Turn your head left & right..It's all covered in snow =)

The Ski - Snowboarding team from Indonesia :P
photographed by Aunt Lucy

Straight to level 2B at Skiing ^___^

"The 2000 pieces Walt Disney's puzzle" that we finished =)
ngiri rating: ***** (5 out of 5)
Speechless, Sis..
nanti kapan2 I hope we could traveling together... =)
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