1st Day
~ The adventure began. We drove up to Beatty, NV. Checked in for our room. We went to Stovepipe Well Village - filled up gas for the car, then hurried to Scotty's Castle before dark. Yeah it gets dark very soon now in winter days.. A little bit of long drive in the middle of nowhere but Scotty's Castle was pretty awesome. It's like an oasis in the middle of desert; run by National Park Service. I really like that Mallorcan House Castle, so cool. We went hiked uphill to his grave then did the house tour. The castle was actually a vacation home for Albert and Betsy Johnson. Scotty was just his friend bragging/claiming that the house is his. lol. Then we went to Ubehebe crater, just before dark. We were very hungry when it was supper time, since we didn't actually eat real food for lunch. So we went to casino next door, and ordered chicken fried steak. A very fun day overall and then we went to bed early so that we had the energy for 2nd day!! :)

2nd Day
~ Got up like 8.30am and got ready for a new day! ^_^ We went to the nearest ghost town from Beatty, Rhyolite. There's an open air museum there. Pretty cool. We saw 'The Last Supper-ghost version', Ghost trying to ride a bike, A giant naked lady-Atari version, and a couple of houses and buildings that have interesting graffiti. Then we continued our journey to Furnace Creek Inn for lunch. Then we headed to Badwater Basin, a place that 282 feet below sea level, and we spent a good chunk of time there~ just had so much fun. Salty! :p At this point we both started to feel kind of tired. We went driving to Natural Bridge and Artist Drive. Then we started heading back to Vegas. We saw the Amargosa Opera House in the city of Death Valley Junction on our way back, sadly that place was kind of death :( I fell asleep in the car on our way back and woke up when we were near Vegas. We stopped at Panda for quick dinner then headed back to Jason's. A great great weekend getaway. We definitely are going back to Death Valley again someday to explore more! :)

Really love reading your stories!
muacksss ^^
Tempatnya keren bgt ya.. itu pernah dibuat syuting film ga sih? hehehehehehehhehe
Turis yg lain kmn? kok sepi hehehehhehe
Nad keriting permanen tuh ato catok? hahahahahhahaa
Eh iya.. katanya di LAs Vegas, ada eskalator diluar gedung gt ya? kmrn2 liat di TV ada berita ttg Vegas hehehehehe
Sis: thank you for reading ^_^
Dwi: hehe thank you ~ tempatnya keren tapi sepi gitu memang jalan menuju places of interestnya soalnya kaya Castlenya aja di tengah2 gurun yang dikelilingi pegunungan gitu :)
btw, catok Wi, catok...
masi lurus abis gini nih rambut..
btw 2, kayanya eskalator (elevator maksudnya kali?) di luar gedung itu RIO Hotel & Casino deh ato Mandalay Bay yah? haha kebanyakan hotel sih disini :p
Tapi aku masih suka itu lift yang di luxor, miring 39 derajat namanya 'inclinators' haha
makanya ayoo ke Vegas Wi, seru pasti & aku kangeeeen!
oooOOOOOooo jauh ya, tapi keren ya, jd kepengen liat2 hahahahahaha
Itu Jason suka photografi ya? hehehehhe
Kok galery di blog nya Jason, foto Nad semua??? hahahaahha
Kok diberitanya bilang eskalator ya hahahahahahha... Katanya cm Vegas yg pny byk elevator di luar gedung gt.. Lift miring??? ga jatoh?? *.*
Iya AMin banget kalo ampe bisa ksana ^.^
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