Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Updates for Autumn 2009

I know I didn't update my blog that often; many things happened in my life but I'm just too lazy to write. But hey, they said a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, here are FOUR pictures that should speak four thousand words! ;)

It was;
~ the 4th of July fireworks;
~ our real relationship anniversary where we celebrate it with fine dining at NOVE, we watched a movie at the place where we first met, and he gave me a georgeous earings :).. ;
~ our trip to Mt. Charleston;
~ my trip to LA to meet up with my aunt and cousins;
~ the Star Trek annual convention here in Las Vegas;
~ our trip to Hoover Dam and stayed at Lake Las Vegas resort, Montelago;
~ eating at a diner in boulder city and just had a great time;
~ Jason's Dad 50th birthday at Texas de Brazil;
~ a Tony Roma's dinner for our 1 year 3 months annive;
~ a great Halloween night where we dressed up as Anonymous and Kitty cat;
~ Renaissance faire weekend that was super fun;
~ Jason's 30th birthday at home, Tommy Bahama's cafe, Yard house, and Game Works;
~ our early Thanksgiving dinner with his parents and where we spent house&dogsitting for them; great yummy Turkey!
~ The great Las Vegas Santa Run at town square;
~ watching a play at UNLV, a Christmas Carol with my coworkers, Sara and Sara;
~ dressing up bunny with her Christmas outfit (and Dunsforth with his StarTrek Scotty outfit);
~ and gave Jason his early Christmas presents before our BIG trip to Jakarta & Bali!

I truly love my life and I owe it all to Lord, God, my guidance, to my family and my beau who truly love and care for me <3

Going back home for Christmas!

I haven't been back Jakarta for 2.5 years and I still can't believe it that I get to go home this year and it's only two days away!

And Jason is coming with me; meeting my family for the 1st time ~ I'm happy and so looking forward to it <3 hopefully everything will turn out really well :) amin

Check this out; Jason made a map of our trip!

Monday, August 3, 2009

I miss Bali!

Since that moment,
My heart can't stop playing back the memories.
You hold close my hands when were walking in that white sandy beach; watching the beautiful sunset.
An amazing memory, it was just you and me.
At Kuta Bali, you hold me closely.
At Kuta Bali, our love blossomed.
The love scents that hopefully last forever; Along with my longing heart even though we are far from each other, my love.
Our captivating memories at Kuta Bali.

(Lagu soundtrack kedua untuk hati yang rindu tanah air.. ;) Terjemahannya lagu Kuta, Bali oleh Andre Hehanusa. I can't wait to go home!)

Longing for Ocean Wave

That one day.
When we sat down in the sandy beach and gazed at the ocean wave that dancing towards shoreline;
When we saw the seagull birds flying close by; and they are playing with the ripple of water;
The sound of nature warmed our soul.
In the mean time,
The sun is ready to set and he is leaving us.
The sound of your heart sings a love song and our hearts yearning for each other.
That moment, our deepest feelings revealed.
This passion, I want to remember it always.
My heart found peacefulness.
My soul is in serenity when I’m with you.

(Lagu soundtrack untuk nanti saat kita ke pantai bersama ;). Ini iseng-iseng menerjemahkan lagu Kemesraannya-Iwan Fals dengan sedikit modifikasi karena aku & Jason ga bisa main gitar jadi bagian tersebut ditiadakan.. hihi :p)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy 11 Months!

11 months we're together!

Waktu cepat berlalu yah.. Tak terasa sudah hampir 1 tahun kita bersama :) Karena masih 'hampir' kita sepakat untuk tidak berbuat banyak untuk 11 months-versary.. :p dan tunggu sampai bulan depan untuk lebih merayakan our real anniversary ;)

Hari Senin tanggal 15 Juni, kita makan malam di India Palace. Jason kasih aku game untuk nintendo DS: Ace Attorney: Phonix Wright, Trials and Tribulations & aku kasih dia kemeja Banana Republic dan mainan dari film Monster vs. Aliens :D

Beberapa hari ini, aku lagi seru-serunya main game nintendo DS yang dikasi Jason nih.. Gamenya menarik bgt bikin lupa waktu.. ;p

Kasih setia-Mu

Kasih setia-Mu yang kurasakan
Lebih tinggi dari langit biru

Kebaikan-Mu yang telah Kau nyatakan
Lebih dalam dari lautan

Berkat-Mu yang telah kuterima
Sempat membuatku terpesona
Apa yang tak pernah kupikirkan
Itu yang kau sediakan bagiku

Siapakah aku ini, Tuhan
Jadi biji mata-Mu
Dengan apakah kubalas, Tuhan
Selain puji dan sembah Kau

note: Special thanks to my Dad who sent me this song :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Missing my bestfriend in Vegas, Sara

Teman baikku di Las Vegas, Sara, pindah ke Carbondale, Illinois untuk melanjutkan PhDnya.. Hiks sedih ditinggal karena dia ini teman pertamaku di Vegas dan kita memang sering sekelas bareng dan jalan bareng kemana-mana. Kita pernah roadtrip ke Montana, Utah, Wyoming dan aku kenal baik dengan mama papanya, sister dan brothernya yang dari Kansas. I miss you so much, Girl, hope you'll visit Vegas soon!

In pictures: Sara's last two days in Vegas..

Jason and his naked cat :P

Kucingnya Jason, namanya Rasa, kemarin itu dicukur bulunya.. Sebetulnya ini kucing lucu banget bulunya tebal warna orange. Agak-agak mirip Garfield gitu. ;P hehe. Namanya lucu yah, kalo di artikan ke bahasa indo kan artinya Aroma. Kekeke.. Padahal dia kasih nama kucingnya sebelum jadian sama aku lho.. Jadi dia ga tahu kalo Rasa itu ada artinya dalam bahasa indonesia. Mmm.. alasan kenapa dicukur soalnya bulunya itu udah banyak yang gembel tus ngumpul jadi satu gitu. Bulu gembel ini bikin sakit si kucing,kasian juga kan.. Tapi pssstt.. meskipun lucu dan fuzzy, kucing Jason ini Evil! hahaha soalnya galak sih tus suka cakar dan gigit. Tapi she's getting better sih. Sama aku baik sih, dan kayanya sejak dicukur bulu-bulu gembelnya, dia makin baik. Lagi pikir-pikir, apa dia galak karena bulunya bikin sakit, tus dianya jadi moody terus yah?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fishy Day! :D


Seminggu setelah kita ke Arizona, aku & Jason jalan-jalan ke Shark Reef Aquarium, yang tempatnya di hotel Mandalay Bay. Aku sudah pernah ke sana sih, 1 kali pas pertama datang ke Las Vegas, tapi ssttt.. ini ceritanya Jason mau coba kamera baru nya.. :D hehehe. Tapi aku suka banget sama tempat-tempat yang ada hubungannya dengan hewan seperti kebun binatang atau aquarium kaya gini. Jadi aku nya sih senang-senang aja diajak ke Shark Reef. ;)

Yang paling berkesan sih megang ikan pari dan kepiting horseshoe yah.. lucu gitu. Terus yang paling keren dilihat itu ikan piranha dan satu tangki penuh sama jellyfish, bahasa indonesianya: ubur-ubur. :) Mereka membuat tangki ubur-uburnya sedikit gelap lalu disinari dengan seperti lampu UV gitu jadi ubur-uburnya terlihat berpendar.. Bagus banget!

Malamnya kita makan malam di Bonefish, sama mama dan papa nya Jason. Ini restoran favoritnya mamanya Jason. Menu khasnya disini yaitu firecracker shrimp sebagai makanan pembuka (enaaaak kaya bumbu thai gitu udangnya), lalu fillet ikan apa aja, dimasak grilled. Bumbunya lemon butter. Yummy! Hang out sama keluarganya Jason selalu menyenangkan sih.. :) setidaknya untuk menahan rindu bertemu sama keluarga aku sendiri di Jakarta.. I miss my family!

Yah, tapi itulah satu hari penuh dengan ikan-ikan.. Ikan di aquarium dan ikan di piring makan. Huehuehuehue... ;P

So This Is Arizona :D

We went to Phoenix, Arizona for our getaway trip, kind of celebrating our 10 months ;) It was super fun trip! :D & Here is the travel details..

Fri 5/22
We drove to Phoenix in the memorial day weekend. Leave Vegas about 8 in the morning and didn't stop much except the cute lil town of wickenburg. Got to our hotel at about 3ish and went straight to Arizona Science Center. It was soo much fun! Totally recommended to go! We went to the planetarium too and saw a show about black holes. Pretty wicked!

We went to downtown Tempe that night and hit Mill Avenue and had some frozen yogurt. Yummy!

The next day we went to the ZOO! Phoenix Zoo was so AWESOME! We walked around (took the safari train too) and just had soo much fun looking at the animals. They look very happy and well cared too. The zoo people definitely are doing a really good job. :)

After having a great time at the Zoo, we went to have mexican restaurant at a local place nearby. Very good mexican food!

That night we went to Scottsdale! We hit Borgata at Scottsdale. Most stores are closed tho :( .. weird since it was Saturday night! But we went to other mall nearby called Fashion Square. This one is huge mall. There is this cafe called P.B.Loco thats basically sell everything with peanut butter. Jason was very happy to find a sandwich with bacon and peanut butter.. Then we went to a fine dining restaurant name Bandera. Pretty good beef ribs and roasted chicken. But the portion were small for the Ahi Tuna. But Scottsdale is definitely a cute ~ nice ~ upper neighborhood town that has super adorable houses.

That morning we went to walk at downtown Phoenix, the Arizona Center. We walk around the shops and then we went back to Fashion Square since Jason decided to buy 'the camera' at Sony Store.. And of course getting another of that bacon-peanut butter sandwich ;)

We start heading back to Vegas after all that and we stopped at Kingman to have a late lunch at Cracker Barrel. SUPER great FOOD.
We got home at like 8.30ish because traffic was helded up at hoover dam (there was an accident there). But we are back here in Vegas. It was super fun vacation! :D But we missed Vegas

Location: Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Glendale, Kingman

10 months we've been together!

Hihi sudah lama banget yah ngga nulis di blog..
mmmmm kemarin 10 months anniversary, we went sushi dinner then see Angels & Demons at Aliante :) the next day we went to Adventuredome and spent the whole day! :)) *superawesomeweekend*

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ulang Tahun ke-25 Nadia :)


Jumat, 24 April 2009
Teman kerjaku, Sara V., ngajak aku makan siang setelah selesai kerja.. Dia usul untuk makan siang di Spring Preserve, ada cafenya Wolfgang Puck disana yang katanya design cafenya unik dan ramah lingkungan (mungkin karena Spring Preserve itu sendiri seperti kompleks yang sengaja dibuat untuk mempertahankan keunikan flora/lingkungan gurun Las Vegas). Cafenya sungguh unik dengan dindingnya terbuat dari kaca, makanannya seputar sandwich dan pizza tapi dibuat lebih canggih, alias gourmet. Lalu Sara memberi kado ulang tahun nya buat aku, sebuah kalung perak dengan liontin berbentuk seperti salib. Cukup lucu ;)
Malamnya aku dan Jason berencana untuk tinggal di apartemen saja karena dua hari kedepan kita berdua akan sibuk dengan 'birthday weekend' untuk aku :)

Sabtu, 25 April 2009
Bangun pagi lalu siap-siap untuk pergi ke Las Vegas Strip! Hari ini kita berencana untuk mencoba rollercoaster yang berada di hotel New York - New York. Istilah mencoba lebih tepat untuk aku sih, karena Jason pernah mencoba waktu mereka pertama kali memperkenalkan rollercoaster itu untuk umum (sudah beberapa tahun silam sih).. Sesampainya di NYNY, kita berdua antri (antriannya lumayan panjang! mungkin karna akhir pekan jadi banyak juga orang-orang lokal dan turis yang ingin naik rollercoasternya) dan setelah tiket dapat kita naik 1x (karena cukup mahal, satu orang $16 sekali jalan!) ... ternyata sungguh seru!! Pingin hati naik 1x lagi namun melihat antrian dan isi kantong .. merenungkan dan sepakat untuk 1x adalah cukup ;) Selesai main rollercoaster kami menuju ke Fashion Show Mall, tentunya untuk 'birthday shopping'!! ;) hihi . Disana kami masuk ke toko-toko fave kami berdua seperti GameStop, Borders, AppleStore (Jason's fave), Victoria Secret, Payless ShoeShop, Forever21, HotTopic (My fave). Berhenti sebentar untuk makan siang di foodcourt lalu lanjut dengan rencana belanjanya. Kami melewati satu toko, Build-A-Bear, dimana kita bisa 'membangun' boneka yang kita suka, memberinya detak jantung, dan mengisinya dengan kapuk cinta ;) Jason menawarkan aku untuk membangun satu boneka sebagai hadiah ulang tahun yang pertama darinya :)) yay!! Aku memilih boneka kelinci yang lucu dan lembut, memberinya hati ungu, dan mengisinya dengan kapuk. Aku memilih baju bercorak pelangi (seperti nama blog ini!) dan memberinya nama Ms. Rainbow :).

Malam itu kami sudah mengundang beberapa teman untuk merayakan HitungMundurUlangTahunNadia! ^_^ Bertempat di YardHouse, jam 10 malam. Aku bersiap-siap dan mengenakan baju yang telah disiapkan jauh hari (birthday dress, ofcourse! ;)) lalu kami menuju kesana. Sesampainya disana kami diberi pager untuk menunggu meja dan menunggu cukup lama untuk mendapatkan meja untuk 10 orang. Bryan dan Tabby datang pertama (sssttt.. mereka sepertinya membawa kue?!? Rupanya Jason menyiapkan supaya mereka yang membawa kue yang telah dia pesan jauh hari sebelumnya ;)) Lalu Anna dan Richard, sepupunya Jason, datang. Lalu Coldiron, Sara Mueting, teman baikku disini, lalu Yanny menyusul, Geneva, Chris, teman kelasku dan tunangannya, lalu terakhir Claire dan Mike. Fullhouse 13 orang malam itu :)) Setelah beberapa ronde makanan dan minuman ;), tanpa terasa waktunya untuk tiup lilin dan buka kado!! Kue ulang tahun yang Jason pesan sungguh cantik, putih dengan warna ungu kesukaaan Nadia dan bunga-bunga ungu diatasnya. Kado ulang tahun cukup banyak yang aku dapat ;)) (hadiahnya bisa dilihat di foto-foto tuh) .. Setelah lewat tengah malam, yang berarti aku sudah berumur 25 tahun(!), kira-kira jam 2, kami masing pulang ke rumah. Sesampainya di rumah, Jason memberi aku hadiah ulang tahun dari nya!! Aku deg-degan membuka bungkusan ungu.. dan mendapati nintendo DSi yang baru dan iPod Nano 4th generation yang ada tulisan terukir di belakangnya:
"To my dearest Nadia.
Love Jason. 4.26.2009"

Dan masih ada kartu cantik yang menemani kedua hadiah...ahhh aku kehabisan kata-kata.. terharu atas semua yang sudah dia lakukan dan ulang tahunku baru saja dimulai! ^_^

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Hari itu kami sudah ada janji dengan orangtuanya Jason untuk makan siang bersama di restoran jepang, Kabuki. Sushinya sungguh enaaaaak di restoran ini! Dan tentu saja, aku dapat kado lagiii! ;) hihi.. Tante Ronda tahu aku ingin gelas teh jepang dari sejak lama, jadi dia belikan aku dua gelas teh itu, dibungkus lucu dengan kotak seperti 'chinese-to-go-box' :) Lalu masi ada lagi hadiah lain, tas yang berdesign foto-foto aku dengan jason!! lucuuu!! dan didalamnya ada selimut lucu berwarna coklat-merahmuda (karena mereka tahu aku sering kedinginan..hihi).. Makan siang yang lezat!

Malamnya kami ada reservasi untuk 'candle-light dinner' di Fiamma, MGM-Grand. :)) Restoran yang cantik dengan perapian dan service yang sangat sopan! Ulang tahun yang diakhiri dengan makan malam berdua dengan Jason sungguh melengkapi ulang tahun kali ini.. 'It was a magical night' :) Pasta ditemani Wine dengan lilin berdua dengan Jason... sungguh ulang tahun yang tak terkatakan ;) Aku rindu keluargaku disaat ulang tahun seperti ini, mama, papa, kakak, tapi mungkin kehadiran mereka selalu ada dalam hati dan kehadiran Jason sungguh membantu mengatasi kerinduan itu.

Akhirnya, dalam kesimpulan, aku sungguh berterimakasih pada Tuhan yang membuat semua ini mungkin dan pada Jason, si pria yang sungguh telah melakukan banyak, menunjukkan cinta sehingga aku mengalami ulang tahun yang tak terlupakan :))

I love you Lord
I love you Babe
(I love my Family too)

ps. Beberapa hari kemudian, sebuah paket dari mama datang.. dan isinya: Hadiah Ulang Tahun ku!! :)) ada tiga baju 'dress', gelang kaki dan tangan bikinannya sendiri (langsung kupakai dan tidak dilepas sampai saat ini! ;)), dan beberapa pernik-pernik lain .. Mama memang sungguh tahu apa yang aku suka, dan walaupun aku sudah tidak bertemunya hampir dua tahun, dia sungguh tahu ukuran baju yang tepat untuk putrinya ;) kekuatan hati dan cinta seorang Ibu memang lain!

All and all it was an amazing birthday weekend,
Thank you all for make that happen.. <3

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

There would be.. a birthday post :)) hopefully soon!

I'm actually really eager to write a blog post about my 25th birthday,,, but my freakishly slow computer won't cooperate.. :(( I'm using work computer right now just to promise: there will be a birthday blog post! :) but probably not until the extra RAM that Jason ordered for my computer came.. and Oh! my birthday blog would probably in Indonesian :P because I'm bit lazy to write it in English.. to see the English version of it, check out Jason's writing of my birthday :))

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's the 15th again... We've been together for nine whole months!

Yes.. It's the 15th of the month again.. April 15, 2009: it is Jason & Nadia's nine months.. And because it almost my birthday (yay! ;)) so we didn't do much; just exchanged gift to each other. I gave him a threadless tshirt, designed by the person who designed pac-man shirt that he loves and he gave me two silver bracelets which are very pretty and I loves it so very much <3 .. To be honest, the last past month was the toughest month (I think) in our relationship.. Since we're going to live as roommates and me ~ moving in.. I know we both very excited about it but in same matter, I think (Jason seems to think the same way) that it is a BIG change for both of us.. and kind of stressed us both in a way.. so we kind of argue.. more often. I feel that my feelings to him has changed now.. I don't really feel that romantic~childish love that I used to feel but now it feels more like a mature love. Deep inside, I kind of missed having that romantic~butterfly feelings in my heart but I guess, like Jason said, these changes are for the better.. means our relationship getting stronger and more mature.. (I hope so.. & I hope .. maybe someday I can feel that romantic~butterfly feelings again together with this mature love... mmm maybe when we're having vacation together ~ just get out from this routine of work and school in our life... I hope..) ... Anyway,, I'm not saying I'm not happy.. because I-very-am happy now.. & also excited with the fact that we are now more closer than ever :) and that like I said in the previous post, I believe this is a new beginning for me & Jason and I'm looking forward to more exciting times together <3 <3 <3


Btw, I want to quote the words from the anniversary card that he gave me last night..

"You're still the one
I love to catch myself
dreaming about,
still the one
I love to talk things
over with,
still the one I love
to cuddle next to
until we are
as close as we can be..

I hope you're as happy
as you make me feel,
you're everything
I could hope for --
the one I love
with all my heart
and soul

Happy Anniversary
Love always"

I was so crybaby when I read the card.. because to me, it means.. SO MUCH.
I love you too babe.. with all my heart.

Operation Shared Space: status updates

Operation shared space: mission completed.

Now with Jason as my roommate, I feel like it's a new beginning for both of us. Like he said (and I quote): I do think our relationship has changed - Gotten stronger and more mature. I love you very much babe.

ps. atas permintaannya Eka, aku mau posted foto-foto apartmentnya, my new living space! ^_^

Friday, April 3, 2009

Operation Shared Space

packing.. packing...
excited to move to my new place to live! ;)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The measure of love is to love without measure

we were talking earlier tonight about stuff.. mostly about relationship stuff, then conversation went to:

Jason: We've been together almost 9 months now..
Nadia: Yeah, this is my longest relationship, ever
Jason: I hope so. I hope you'll be the last one for me
Nadia: ~blushed~ I hope so too, Babe

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our 8 months

We didn't do anything big.He picked me up to go dinner at Claim Jumper (food was not good and service sucks).. But at least Jason is with me. We kind of just enjoying each other company.. :)

He brought me juice earlier, bunch of them, because I said my tummy wasn't settling well and I kind of want juices so that I don't feel too nauseous. That's very sweet of him <3 He also gave me CD of extended REPO opera soundtrack, a card and a DS game: Hotel Dusk Room 215.

Point of this short blog entry is.. This has been an amazing 8 months with him. I never felt this loved before.. I'm glad we're still together til this moment. I love my bf!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today, I feel so loved :')

Nadia 9.33pm:

Don't know what to say. Thank you for being kind and understanding and loving. I'm sorry I was being self-centered when you're not feeling well. I really am sorry.

Jason 9.34pm:

It's okay Baby. I love you so much :)

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." - Mother Teresa

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our 7th Months :)

Our seven months dating was one day after Valentine's Day. (Feb 15, 2009).

That weekend was a long weekend, we both got Monday-President's Day off, so we decided to do a little weekend gateway. ^_^ We went to Primm early Sunday, Feb 15, about 10ish and drive about an hour and half to this city located at borders of Nevada & California. There are 3 casinos and an outlet mall there. That's it. But I was talking to Jason that I still want to check out the casinos and try the rollercoaster that they have in one of the casinos.

We got to Primm at about noon and tried to check in at Buffalo Bill's where we had room reservation. They won't let us check in before 3pm. And they don't care what we do until 3pm comes. Geez. So I said to Jason, why don't we just go get lunch and walk around in the outlet mall until about 3pm. He agreed. Outlet mall was okay. We didn't shop much. We get lunch at this japanese noodle restaurant called Kuraku. The noddle were okay. Takoyaki was yucky. I think that Shuseki at Spring Mountain has soo much better noddles & takoyaki (at cheaper prize too!). But it Jason seems to think that noddle place was quite good so, I guess it's an okay choice to eat there. We went back to the hotel for check in, and OMG, the line for check in is like halfway the casino. It was 10 before 3pm. And I heard from people in the line that they've been waiting for an hour at least. CRAZY. So we went in line with those people and Jason timed how long it took us til we get the receptionist. It was exactly an hour. Well, I guess it's not that bad but I just think the system was messed up. If they let us check in before 3pm, these things won't happen. Jason wasn't really happy about waiting in the line for an hour but I know he tried to be not acting cranky. :) At least we got a good spacey non-smoking room. Cool. Next, we went to ride the rollercoaster!! Even tho it doesn't have loop on it, but it was pretty cool. (my opinion). :) And then we ride the log-ride. It was fun too. Jason got soaked more that me.. Hahahaha *EvilLaughter* then we spent time drying our self and then dinner time. We went to the buffet there. Not too many choices but the food was actually good. We tried the monorail to go to Primm Valley afterwards but not Whiskey Pete because we were getting tired. We end that night with two white russians (where.. of course I got carded.). The next day, we were planning to check out Whiskey Pete (we done that, there was notting really in that casino) and drive to Baker. But we found out that Jason;s windshild's wiper were both broken. We can't really drive in the rain to Baker with broken wiper. So we decided not to go and we went home and Centennial Toyota instead so that they could fix the broken wiper. Jason's Mom called and invited us to go dinner with them afterwards. And so we did.

All and all, I had an amazing super great Valentine-7th Months weekend.

Ohh. Jason gave me cd for our 7th months.
CD contains songs that he choose for me.
Songs that when he heard it, it reminds him of me :')
A really great CD. Love the songs.
I gave him 'Learn Indonesian' software for our 7th months. Hopefully he'll be fluent in Indonesian eventually ;)

Here's the tract of the CD,
he just emailed me the list:


from Jason Fulkerson
date Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 7:57 PM
subject Songs on your CD

Here you go baby,

True Love's Kiss -- Amy Adams & James Marsden
Can't Get Enough of You Baby -- Smash Mouth
All I Want is You -- Mr. T Experience
Save Tonight -- Eagle Eye Cherry
Might Tell You Tonight -- Scissor Sisters
Love So Pure -- Puffy AmiYumi
Glory of Love -- melody.
More Than Toast -- The Mr. T Experience
I Knew I Loved You -- José Molina, Orchestra Sinfonica Italiana & Savage Garden
King Dork -- The Mr. T Experience
Love Will Keep Us Together -- Vitamin C
Love Don't Roam -- Neil Hannon
Baby One More Time -- Bowling for Soup
She's the one -- Robbie Williams
I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much -- ost. Repo! the Genetic Opera

I love you so very, very much!


Our 1st Valentine's Day

Our 1st Valentine's Day was on Feb 14, 2009.

Here's the story;

I woke up about 9ish that day, Jason was still sleeping. I let him sleep a little bit more since we are not actually planning to do anything during the day. So I went brush my teeth and stuff in the bathroom & when I opened the door, he was standing there.. holding a card with my name written on its red/pink envelope, handing it to me and!!! there is A GIANT TEDDY BEAR PLUSH on the bed!!! It was the bear that we saw in the valentine section at walmart and he actually bought it for me!! ^_^ So I cuddled with mr. Bear and said I love it very much <3 I gave him his present afterwards, a bracelet with engraved 'Carpe Dementia' on front plaque and 'Rainbows & Unicorns; Love:Nadia' on the back. He said his like his gift too (I hope so, because I love mine :p).. and then we went lunch at Original Pancake House, our fave place to eat in Las Vegas.

That night we had reservation at 7.30 pm at Tommy Bahama's Tropical Cafe at Town Square. So we headed to townsquare like about 5ish and just walk around there, before the dinner and just enjoying each other company :) Dinner with candle light was amazing. We talk about details about our plans moving together in April and other stuff. We had Valentine's day special menu that night for couple, which is so cute. Great times. Then we went home, full of love. Our first Valentine's night together. It was magical.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Words that I love [4]

If a kiss was a raindrop I’d send you showers,
If a hug was a second I’d send you hours,
If happiness was sand I’d send you the sea,
If love was a person I’d send you me.


What’s love?
Those who don’t like it call it a responsibility.
Those who play with it call it a game.
Those who don’t hv it call it a dream.
for me it’s U.


Meeting you was fate,
becoming your friend was choice,
but falling in love with you was
completely out of my control.


Just had an x-ray taken.
Guess what they found?
It was U safely stucked in my heart.
They said my heart is fine with U in it.
Remove U and I’m DEAD!


It takes half of our life to find true love,
And half to keep them.

I am lucky to spend less than half in finding U
And the rest of my life to be spent in keeping U in my heart.


You are the sun in my day,
The wind in my sky,
The waves in my ocean,
And the beat in my heart.


Love,is more than what I have.
Love,is more than what you are.
Love,takes me where I‘ve never been.
Love,takes me where I am today.
In love,is what I am with you.


TRUE LOVE means:
To FEEL someone in ever HEARTBEAT,
to FIND someone in every THOUGHT,
to SEE someone with CLOSED EYES,
and to MISS someone without reason :)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Setengah tahun bersama! ^_^

Wow, it's been six months that we're together.
We marked our 6 months last Thursday 1/15, where Jason planned a surprise for me.
Two words. *So sweet* :')
He made a plan a week before.
He said he will pick me up at 6pm.
Dress pretty, bring sweater.

I was so antsy waiting for the day.. :P
and then the day finally came..
He picked me up and we drive to...
The Strip..
The Venetian..
We are going to see The Phantom of The Opera!!
OMG. The show I've always wanted to see in Las Vegas.
I saw the musical before in Singapore but everyone always says that the Las Vegas version is so much better, and more spectacular. Well, I live in Vegas now .. It just made me want to see the show even more.
Plus, Jason booked the best seat ever!
And yes, it was ~ definitely one of my most magical, 90 minutes, moments
It was the best 6 months present I could ever asked.
Not to forget the fact that he planned all this really means a lot.

After the show, we had dinner at San Marco, one of Mario Batali restaurant in Las Vegas. Food was excellent (and expensive, ... )
I had a wonderful night and wonderful weekend followed after that too!

I love you, Babe.
Happy Six Months and Beyond to us.

Happy New Year, 2009!!

I was just so happy because I got to begin this new year with a new year's kiss from him ;)

Some people believe that we kiss those dearest to us at midnight not only to share a moment of celebration with others, but also to ensure that those affections and ties will continue throughout the next twelve months. (amin)

It was a wonderful, and unforgettable year, last year.
My hope is, hopefully, this year would be as wonderful or even more and more wonderful.. Although I'm just very happy if I'll be able to spend another year and years beyond with the one I love <3

Anyway, Happy New Year to all! ^_^