That weekend was a long weekend, we both got Monday-President's Day off, so we decided to do a little weekend gateway. ^_^ We went to Primm early Sunday, Feb 15, about 10ish and drive about an hour and half to this city located at borders of Nevada & California. There are 3 casinos and an outlet mall there. That's it. But I was talking to Jason that I still want to check out the casinos and try the rollercoaster that they have in one of the casinos.
We got to Primm at about noon and tried to check in at Buffalo Bill's where we had room reservation. They won't let us check in before 3pm. And they don't care what we do until 3pm comes. Geez. So I said to Jason, why don't we just go get lunch and walk around in the outlet mall until about 3pm. He agreed. Outlet mall was okay. We didn't shop much. We get lunch at this japanese noodle restaurant called Kuraku. The noddle were okay. Takoyaki was yucky. I think that Shuseki at Spring Mountain has soo much better noddles & takoyaki (at cheaper prize too!). But it Jason seems to think that noddle place was quite good so, I guess it's an okay choice to eat there. We went back to the hotel for check in, and OMG, the line for check in is like halfway the casino. It was 10 before 3pm. And I heard from people in the line that they've been waiting for an hour at least. CRAZY. So we went in line with those people and Jason timed how long it took us til we get the receptionist. It was exactly an hour. Well, I guess it's not that bad but I just think the system was messed up. If they let us check in before 3pm, these things won't happen. Jason wasn't really happy about waiting in the line for an hour but I know he tried to be not acting cranky. :) At least we got a good spacey non-smoking room. Cool. Next, we went to ride the rollercoaster!! Even tho it doesn't have loop on it, but it was pretty cool. (my opinion). :) And then we ride the log-ride. It was fun too. Jason got soaked more that me.. Hahahaha *EvilLaughter* then we spent time drying our self and then dinner time. We went to the buffet there. Not too many choices but the food was actually good. We tried the monorail to go to Primm Valley afterwards but not Whiskey Pete because we were getting tired. We end that night with two white russians (where.. of course I got carded.). The next day, we were planning to check out Whiskey Pete (we done that, there was notting really in that casino) and drive to Baker. But we found out that Jason;s windshild's wiper were both broken. We can't really drive in the rain to Baker with broken wiper. So we decided not to go and we went home and Centennial Toyota instead so that they could fix the broken wiper. Jason's Mom called and invited us to go dinner with them afterwards. And so we did.
All and all, I had an amazing super great Valentine-7th Months weekend.
Ohh. Jason gave me cd for our 7th months.
CD contains songs that he choose for me.
Songs that when he heard it, it reminds him of me :')
A really great CD. Love the songs.
I gave him 'Learn Indonesian' software for our 7th months. Hopefully he'll be fluent in Indonesian eventually ;)
Here's the tract of the CD,
he just emailed me the list:
from Jason Fulkerson
date Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 7:57 PM
subject Songs on your CD
Here you go baby,
True Love's Kiss -- Amy Adams & James Marsden
Can't Get Enough of You Baby -- Smash Mouth
All I Want is You -- Mr. T Experience
Save Tonight -- Eagle Eye Cherry
Might Tell You Tonight -- Scissor Sisters
Love So Pure -- Puffy AmiYumi
Glory of Love -- melody.
More Than Toast -- The Mr. T Experience
I Knew I Loved You -- José Molina, Orchestra Sinfonica Italiana & Savage Garden
King Dork -- The Mr. T Experience
Love Will Keep Us Together -- Vitamin C
Love Don't Roam -- Neil Hannon
Baby One More Time -- Bowling for Soup
She's the one -- Robbie Williams
I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much -- ost. Repo! the Genetic Opera
I love you so very, very much!

Wuaaaahhhhhhhh tumben ceritanya pjg banget hahahahahhaha
Si Jason romantis bgt ya Nad ^.*
*HAHAHA* kemarin lagi niat nulis, jadinya panjang gitu deh :p Bagian mana-nya yang bilang dia romantis, Wi? CD lagu?
Semuanya Nad.. kata2nya... surprisenya.. kado2nya... kartu2nya... semua2nya.. hhahahhahahahhaa
SO romantic!!! ^.* Masa' Nad ga ngerasa? hohohohohohoho're such a lucky girl..Jason is a very romantic guy..please say my greetings to him..nice way to treat a girl ^_<
btw, it happens to be a coincidence, but my anniversary with my Boyfriend also dated at 15.
hope you and jason always happy together :)
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