Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Same Wavelength (of Love)

: “I’m sorry for not talking much,
I hope you don’t get bored with me”

Aku mendengar suara hatimu
Membisikkan cinta

Terdengar sayup rindu
Dari hati yang bersuara

Mungkin memang tak perlu mulut yang berkata-kata
Mungkin hati kita bergetar pada panjang gelombang yang sama
Karena gelombang suara dari kalbumu
Sungguh terdengar di telinga sukmaku

:”No worries. I can hear you even though you aren’t talking.
Your heart is speaking with me. And I feel content with that”

For JDF, Las Vegas, July 23, 2008. 12.38pm.
I hope our heart vibrates in this same wavelength ‘til the end of time…

1 comment:

Sparklingpurplish* said...

English version

Your words
: “I’m sorry for not talking much,
I hope you don’t get bored with me”

I hear your heart speaking
Whispering love

I can hear the yearn for love
From the voices of heart

Maybe we don’t need words to be spoken
Maybe our heart do vibrates in the same wavelength of love
Because the resonance from your heart
Truly can be heard in mine

My words
:”No worries. I can hear you even though you aren’t talking.
Your heart is speaking with me. And I feel content with that”