"Orion was the mightiest of hunters, and he knew it. This led him, unwisely to boast to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, that he could track down and kill any creature on the face of the earth. With this, the earth trembled with rage, and cracked open. A scorpion scuttled out and stung Orion to death. With some compassion, the gods placed Orion and the Scorpion on opposites sides of the heavens, so that Orion sets in the west as the Scorpion rises in the east."
Like my story of life, where my ex (his middle name is Orion) was replaced/"stung to death" by this awesome guy that came to my life that's a Scorpio (his zodiac sign).. LOL like that have any association with the star constellation story.. haha but still.. I like the story :)

i also had experienced with "Orion" and "Scorpion",
i once had crushed with a guys, his name was 3 letter from "Orion". and i called him as my "Orion".
although anything between us never worked out to be "something", but me (I'm a Scorpion) dying to erase his memories.
so when i looked at your post, i hope someday i could sting him --Orion-- to death.^^ LOL
what a pretty coincidence, right?
Eka... waahh what a coincidence yah :)
thanks for reading my post and thanks for sharing your stories.. :D
and someday I think you'll be able to sting Orion-- memories to death ^^ with your new memories :)
xoxo, nad
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