Monday, August 3, 2009

Longing for Ocean Wave

That one day.
When we sat down in the sandy beach and gazed at the ocean wave that dancing towards shoreline;
When we saw the seagull birds flying close by; and they are playing with the ripple of water;
The sound of nature warmed our soul.
In the mean time,
The sun is ready to set and he is leaving us.
The sound of your heart sings a love song and our hearts yearning for each other.
That moment, our deepest feelings revealed.
This passion, I want to remember it always.
My heart found peacefulness.
My soul is in serenity when I’m with you.

(Lagu soundtrack untuk nanti saat kita ke pantai bersama ;). Ini iseng-iseng menerjemahkan lagu Kemesraannya-Iwan Fals dengan sedikit modifikasi karena aku & Jason ga bisa main gitar jadi bagian tersebut ditiadakan.. hihi :p)

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