Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jason's blog -- Entry 0091

Jason posted something on his blog about last night, the movie Mamma mia & me... :')

Entry 0091
Posted July 29, 2008 at 11:16

Last night I saw Mamma Mia… with Nadia. More on her later, but first the movie:

It was a fun little movie with a pretty decent cast… Although, it should be noted that Perice Brosnan cannot sign. At all.

In fact, the very act of singing appears to cause him much pain… But, it’s not all for naught, as it is just bloody hilarious!

The plot is very much what one would expect for a musical based on the works of ABBA - Goofy, silly fun. Oh, and shirtless gay men… That was slightly disturbing, but not totally unexpected.

Okay, on to Nadia.

You know, I’m not entirely sure what I should write here about her… Particularly since I know she’ll be reading this… We’ve spent a good chunk of the past two weeks together, and she’s met my friends and joined us at PT’s for the weekly Gathering of Geeks (Not the actual name, but I wanted something that sounded epic), and has been embraced quite warmly by both Coldiron and Rosenberg…

As for me? Well, I keep wondering what the catch is: She’s smart, funny, beautiful, enjoys the same things I do, wants to be included in the geekier things that I do, and has a very genuine interest inme and my life. At no point do I feel like I’m being judged, or being made fun of - she really likes me for who I am, warts and all.

Being with her makes me very happy, and I donno… I feel more at ease around her and with her than I have before. It’s very freeing…

The Guys say that she’s also a damn good influence on me, that I’ve been far more pleasant to be around since we’ve been going out, so I suppose that’s a plus too.

So, one could say that I’m smitten, might even say that I’m infatuated. One might also be considering using words stronger than like, but one would also probably be rather guarded for a little while longer… You know, in case she comes to her senses realizes that I’m not that great.



and... here is my comments in his blog:

Nadia on July 29th, 2008
Babe… reading at your post, I’m blushed
I don’t know if I can write as good as you describing my feelings
but I think I’m quite aware what I’m doing now and I know that I like you..

this is part of my poem that i wrote for you

I like the way you made me smile
I like the way you held me with your warmth
I like the way you made me forget the fake of this sin city
I like the way you brought me to this enchanted forest of love
I like the way you like me

I’m overwhelming with gratitude
And I thank God that I found you! :)"


Nadia on July 29th, 2008
and… I also think that Pierce Brosnan can’t sing.. LOL
thanks for watching the movie with me, Babe ;)


dunny0 (Jason) on July 29th, 2008
Awww… Thank you for the poem. It’s quite lovely.
And I’ll watch movies with you anytime babe.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Same Wavelength (of Love)

: “I’m sorry for not talking much,
I hope you don’t get bored with me”

Aku mendengar suara hatimu
Membisikkan cinta

Terdengar sayup rindu
Dari hati yang bersuara

Mungkin memang tak perlu mulut yang berkata-kata
Mungkin hati kita bergetar pada panjang gelombang yang sama
Karena gelombang suara dari kalbumu
Sungguh terdengar di telinga sukmaku

:”No worries. I can hear you even though you aren’t talking.
Your heart is speaking with me. And I feel content with that”

For JDF, Las Vegas, July 23, 2008. 12.38pm.
I hope our heart vibrates in this same wavelength ‘til the end of time…

Love, Not Lust

Di tengah dangkalnya kota Las Vegas
Aku menyelam di kedalaman hatimu
Ada cinta yang hangat disitu
I found love and not lust

Di antara kepalsuan orang-orang yang datang dan pergi disini
Aku mendekat pada caramu mencintaiku
Ada ketulusan yang sebelumnya tak pernah kutemui
Your truthfulness has reached my heart

I like the way you made me smile
I like the way you held me with your warmth
I like the way you made me forget the fake of this sin city
I like the way you brought me to this enchanted forest of love
I love the way you love me

I'm overwhelming with gratitude
And I thank God that I found you!


For JDF, Las Vegas, July 23, 2008. 10.25am

Monday night

Our conversation that night

"Why are you so quiet? … What are you thinking?"

“That you are beautiful and I’m so lucky”

writer's note:
Obviously he's more quiet than me.. but that's a good thing :) because I'm too talkative sometimes = means bawel.. lol

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My inbox

Jason 1.37am
"Thank you again for coming over. :)
I updated Facebook btw, so u = mine ;)"

Jason 1:41am
"Goodnight babe. Sleep well, be safe. :)
I enjoyed being disturbed. Sweet dreams"

thank god i found you - Mariah Carey feat Joe 98 degRees

Monday, July 21, 2008

Scorpion and Orion

I just read this book titled "The Book of Constellations" by Robin Kerrod. Pretty interesting book. This is part that astonished me:

"Orion was the mightiest of hunters, and he knew it. This led him, unwisely to boast to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, that he could track down and kill any creature on the face of the earth. With this, the earth trembled with rage, and cracked open. A scorpion scuttled out and stung Orion to death. With some compassion, the gods placed Orion and the Scorpion on opposites sides of the heavens, so that Orion sets in the west as the Scorpion rises in the east."

Like my story of life, where my ex (his middle name is Orion) was replaced/"stung to death" by this awesome guy that came to my life that's a Scorpio (his zodiac sign).. LOL like that have any association with the star constellation story.. haha but still.. I like the story :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Writer of The Week - July 21-28, 2008

Nadia is www.cafenovel.com
Writer of the week - July 21-28, 2008


This is what they said about writer of the week:

WRITER OF THE WEEK merupakan ajang penghargaan kepada Penulis CafeNovel.com yang dianugerahkan setiap minggunya pada awal minggu. Kategori dan kriteria WRITER OF THE WEEK sendiri dinilai berdasarkan pada dedikasi Penulis maupun bobot karya mereka (Cerpen dan Puisi), termasuk produktifitas Penulis. Ini adalah WRITER OF THE WEEK kedua, setelah edisi perdana lalu diraih oleh Eka Dwibhakti. Untuk minggu ini (21-28 Juli 2008), kami menjatuhkan pilihan kepada Nadia Deashinta. Sebenarnya sah saja, mengingat minggu lalu pun ia 'sempat' memiliki kans yang sangat kuat untuk meraih WRITER OF THE WEEK. Penulis yang berdomisili di Las Vegas ini memiliki nyaris semua poin yang dikriteriakan. Yang paling menonjol memang tak lain lantaran produktifitasnya. Namun di luar itu, penulis rupawan ini memiliki 'nilai' lebih yang jarang dimiliki oleh 'seniman' kita.
Saya teringat dalam sebuah workshop bisnis yang saya ikuti, saya sempat bertemu dengan James Gwee, seorang praktisi dan motivator bisnis asal Singapura. Saya memperkenalkan diri saya sebagai Penulis fiksi di sela-sela rehat penuh keakraban. Lanjut cerita, saya mengatakan pada James Gwee bahwa saya menulis hanya sekedar 'just fun' dan idealisme. Namun ia menanggap sertamerta dan bilang, "No, no. Sekarang zamannya tidak ada lagi yang 'just' main-main, atau sejenisnya. Penulis pun harus bermain profesional jika ingin maju."
Lalu, dalam masa rehat yang singkat di workshop bisnis itu, ia memaparkan pada saya bahwa menulis juga merupakan pekerjaan yang sangat menjanjikan dan dapat menopang masa depan. Penulis bukan lagi 'seniman' kere dan miskin. "So, menulislah dengan hati, dengan sasaran dan obyek yang tepat. Anda boleh menulis tentang anak-anak jalanan, dan Anda boleh menulis tentang dunia kantor. Apa saja. Lalu, bisniskan tulisan Anda. Itu profesional. Sorry, saya banyak melihat Penulis yang hanya 'nampang' sebagai seorang seniman, tapi tidak pernah bekerja sungguh-sungguh dan profesional," ulas James Gwee lagi.
Sejak saat itu, saya selalu teringat apa yang telah dipaparkan oleh James Gwee. Memang, ia hanyalah seorang praktisi bisnis dan bukan seniman. Tetapi ia memiliki visi melihat bahwa seorang seniman pun tidak hanya cukup bermodalkan 'idealisme', namun di luar daripada itu, seniman membutuhkan profesionalisme. Saya teringat dengan atribut seniman kita yang 'nampang' bercelana jins robek-robek atau badan yang dilumuri tato, dengan rambut gondrong sampai sepinggang. Padahal, justru seni murni lahir dari isi kepala dan hati. Bukannya 'status' kere dan miskin. Pemahaman itu pun membawa saya ke taraf ini: Penulis butuh profesionalisme, dan beberapa contoh figur sudah dapat kita lihat di kekinian. Sebutlah, Fira Basuki yang karyanya lahir di antara beton-beton dan labirin mewah di Kota Singapura. Djenar Maesa Ayu dan Dewi Lestari, yang sudah menjadi 'businessman' dari hasil mendagangkan tulisan mereka.
Nadia Deashinta memang bukan Fira Basuki, Djenar Maesa Ayu, atau Dewi Lestari. Namun Nadia Deashinta melahirkan karyanya di antara gemerlap Kota Las Vegas. Ia mampu merangkum pikuk itu di dalam tema karyanya. Sebab menulis tidak hanya membutuhkan tema hitam dan putih, tetapi menulis justru memerlukan tema multiwarna. Sebab sesungguhnya pula, karya yang baik itu lahir dari isi kepala dan hati, bukannya atribut dan penampilan yang kopong. Jadi sekali lagi, tidak hanya sampai di sini saja, sebab WRITER OF THE WEEK hanyalah sebuah langkah kecil kami di CafeNovel.com untuk memajukan kesusastraan di Indonesia. Nantikan profil WRITER OF THE WEEK minggu depan. Terus berkarya demi pengembangan kesusastraan yang lebih baik.

Tim Redaksi,
Effendy Wongso

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Origin of my name: Deashinta (means "Dewi Shinta" or "Goddest named Shinta")


The Rāmāyaṇa (Devanāgarī: रामायण) is an ancient Sanskrit epic attributed to the Hindu sage (maharishi) Valmiki and an important part of the Hindu canon (smṛti). It was the original story on which other versions were based such as the Khmer Reamker, the Thai Ramakien, the Lao Phra Lak Phra Lam, the Malay Hikayat Seri Rama, the Maranao Darengan and the Indonesian Ramayana.


Prabu Janaka, the King of Mantili Kingdom has got a very beautiful princess named Dewi Shinta. A competition is conducted in order to decide who will be the right person to marry Dewi Shinta. Rama Wijaya, The Prince of Ayodya Kingdom at last wins the competition.

Prabu Rahwana, the ruler of Alengkadiraja Kingdom is eager to marry Dewi Widowati. but after knowing Dewi Shinta he changes his mind since he assumes that Dewi Shinta is the incarnation of Dewi Widowati whom he searching for a long time.

Dandaka Forest

Rama Wijaya along with his wife Shinta and accompanied by his younger brother Leksmana is adventuring until arrive in Dandaka Forest. Unfortunately they meet Rahwana -who adored Dewi Shinta so much Shinta in the place. Rahwana becomes eager to possess her, and in order to realize his idea, Rahwana commutes one of his followers named Marica to a deer called Kijang Kencana so as to attract Shinta.

Being interested in the beauty of the deer, Shinta asks Rama to capture it for her. Rama called to her wish and leaves Shinta accompanied by Leksmana and start hunting the deer.

After waiting for a long time, Shinta becomes nervous as Rama has not arrived yet. She asks Leksmana to look for Rama. Before leaving Shinta alone, Leksmana draws a magic circle on the ground just to protect her from any possible danger.

As soon as Rahwana notices that Shinta has been left alone, he tries to kidnap her but he fails because of the magic circle which protects her life. Then he changes himself to be an old Brahmana. Shinta fels pity to the old Brahmana and that makes her to get out from the magic circle. As a result Rahwana - who becomes the old Brahmana takes her and fly away to Alengka Kingdom.

Running after the Deer

Rama shoots the deer with the bow and arrow, but the deer commutes to a giant. A war out breaks between Rama and the giant. The giant is shot to the death by Rama's arrow. Later on Leksmana arrives and requests Rama to return to Shinta's place.

The Kidnap of Shinta

On the way to Alengka, Rahwana meets a garuda bird called Jatayu. But then they fight each other since Jatayu knows that Rahwana kidnapped Dewi Shinta -the princess of Prabu Janaka, his friend. Unfortunately Jatayu was defeated by Rahwana for his effort to release and escape her from Rahwana.

Finding out that Shinta is not supposed to be in her place, Rama and Leksmana decides to search for her. In the way of searching they meet Jatayu who is seriously wounded. At first Rama thinks that Jatayu who has kidnapped Shinta so he decides to kill him but then Leksmana prevents him to do so. Jatayu explains what has happened to them before he dies.

A moment later, a white monkey named Hanuman arrives. He is delegated by his uncle, Sugriwa to look for two heroes who are able to kill Subali. Subali is a sacred man and has taken Dewi Tara, Sugriwa's beloved woman. At last Rama decides to help Sugriwa after being insisted.

Kiskendo cave

At the moment of Subali, Dewi Tara and his son are chatting suddenly sugriwa arrives and attacks Subali. Then Sugriwa helped by Rama defeats Subali. Sugriwa takes Dewi Tara with him again. To return Rama's kindness, Sugriwa decides to help him in searching for Dewi Shinta. For this purpose Sugriwa delegates Hanoman to find and investigate the Alengka Kingdom.

Argasoka Garden

Rahwana's niece, Trijata is comforting Shinta in the garden. Rahwana arrives to ask Shinta's willingness to be his wife. Shinta refused it. This makes him angry and try to kill her but Trijata prevent and tells him to be patient. Trijata promises to look after Shinta.

When Shinta feels so sad, she suddenly hear beatiful song sung by Hanoman, the white monkey. Hanoman tells her that he comes and sent by Rama to ascape her. After he explain his purpose, Hanoman starts to find out the total power of the Alengka army. Then he destroy the garden.

Indrakit. Rahwana's son succesfully captured Hanoman but Kumbokarno prevents him so that he is throwm out the Kingdom. Hanoman is sentenced burnt alive till die. But then Hanoman is able to set himself free and burn the kingdom with the fire around his body.

As soon as burn the Kingdom, Hanoman comes to Rama and explains for what has happened. Rama then goes to Alengka along with his monkey's army. He attacks the Kingdom and makes the Alengka's army in a difficult position because Indrajit-the leader of the army is death.

Since the army doesn't have a leader Rahwana orders Kumbokarno-the wise giant to be the leader of the army and fights for the Alengka Kingdom. But then Kumbokarno killed and deah by Rama's heirloom arrow. Rahwana takes over the army and starts to attack Rama and his soldiers. Rama also kills him at last. His corpse is put under the mountain of sumawana carried by Hanoman.

Rama Meets Shinta

After the death of Rahwana, Hanoman takes Shinta to meet Rama. But Rama refused her because he thinks that she is not purified anymore. Shinta is disappointed and to prove her faithfully to her husband she comes into a fire and burns herself. Because of her holiness and God of fire's help she is not burnt and safe. That makes Rama happy and finally accepts her to be his wife again.

ps. Thanks to Papa for giving me the (beautiful) name
:) Love u, Dad

Friday, July 18, 2008

Another clubbing night in Vegas.. ;D lol

Godskitchen Wednesdays @ Body English with DJ Scotty Boy and Deryk Anthony

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Last night :)

Small Dr. Pepper & Rootbeer (no ice)..
Wanted_the movie..
Wesley Gibson - James McAvoy; Fox - Angelina Jolie..
Brenden theater..
Palms Las Vegas..
Freezing (wish i didn't left my jacket in my car..oh well)..
He hold my hand to kept me warm :') ..
Six minutes to restaurant closing time(LOL)..
Talk about work and family..
'Rasa' - a fluffy orange cat & ' Diamond' - a dashchund..
He walks me to my car..
I drive him to his car..
I had a really fun night.. :D
Thanks for watching the movie with me!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Thanks to Tante Esther Pormes to remind me of GOD's LOVE... :')

Dear nadia...ada lagu udah lamaaaa bgt stored in my personal ipod - somewhere inside my brain...kata2nya bagus bgt...

it will come in time u must be patient / everything that's yours will come to you / just because some others get theirs earlier...don't you worry yours is coming, too...

pepatah mengatakan...if u love somebody, set him free...if he comes back..he's yours, if he doesn't ...he never was...

nadia...sabar ajah...jangan lupa laporan sama Tuhan Yesus, tanya...if he is the one...kalo iya, hmmm...pasti deh Tuhan yang atur...dia bisa aja skrg blg ngga...tapi kan Tuhan pasti bisa dong taruh nama Nadia dlm hatinya....

kaan...so, dont worry...just be patient...and enjoy all the things that God has blessed you with yah...

Aku blg ke mama...waaa....bu Henny, u r one lucky mom...to have Nadia...a young lady with thousand talents...i am sure she is very proud of you

and one thing...Tuhan juga tau kok...kalo Nadia ingin share d love yg ada banyak bgt in ur big heart...dg someone special...someone that u can call him "boyfriend"...hehe, nyontek kata2 di puisi nadia...hmmmm

i'll also pray for you...will ask God to always protect u...selagi di sana...

duh, smg d one day...bisa ke Vegas...mo liat Nadia in action...

Tante Esther, July 14, 2008. 8.28pm

Phil Collins - You Cant Hurry Love.mp3 - Phil Collins

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Profile of the week - July 14-21, 2008

Nadia is www.cafenovel.com
Profile of the week - July 14 - 21, 2008


Thursday, July 10, 2008

My dearest Sister

'Sister, aku jatuh cinta'
'Wah aku turut senang, adikku'
Berdua bercerita tentang kalbu yang berbunga

'Sister, aku patah hati'
'Berceritalah sehingga kamu lega, adikku'
Berdua berbagi mengenai cinta yang terfragmentasi

Sister, thank you
Kamu mengajari aku;
melalui cinta-cinta yang biru
tidak menggenggam cemburu
dan tegar dalam rindu

Beruntungnya aku
Bisa berbagi episode hidupku denganmu

Lalu kemarin bisikmu
'Aku telah menemukan pangeranku, adikku,
tahun ini bertukar janji untuk bersama hingga akhir waktu'
Pelangi indah segera menghias hatiku
Sister, I'm so happy for you

Maafkan aku yg tak bisa berada disitu
Saat kau merayakan hari bahagiamu

I hope you will remember this
My prayer is with you, Sis'

Semoga cinta kalian tak akan hilang bersama gerimis
Tapi selamanya indah dalam senyum dan tangis


3 months to your wedding day, Sister
Las Vegas, July 10, 2008 11.58pm

Monday, July 7, 2008

"As a friend...(only)"

Kemarin aku bimbang
Apa aku harus yang memulai?
Apa aku yang lebih dulu bilang?
Berbisik mengenai cinta yang menari gemulai

Mungkin dia tak merasakan yang sama, batin-ku
Mungkin (diri)ku hanya teman baginya, kata hati-ku
Bagaimana akan sampai padanya hatiku yang berpuisi?
Berbisik mengenai kupu-kupu di taman hati

“Aku suka kamu”
Suara dari kejujuranku
Ada getar dalam nadanya
Ada harapan dalam ungkapannya

“Aku pun suka padamu, as a friend
Suara dari kejujurannya
Ada penolakan yang lugas
Ada hati yang tertoreh tajamnya gelas
Mungkin hanya ada cinta yang terbatas
Di kota Las Vegas

July 6, 2006
After Fuji-San sushi dinner
@ the intersection of rainbow and flamingo

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Senin pagi di Las Vegas

Senin pagi
Mencoba membuka mata dengan secangkir kopi
Tak kuasa rasanya menahan kantuk
Mungkin karena semalam bergadang semalam suntuk

Hari ini kerja lagi
Melanjutkan rutinitas sehari-hari
Apa semalam hanya mimpi?

Dance dengan vodka cranberry
Berkawan dengan minuman sampai pagi
Di club populer itu aku berusaha menepis sepi

Aku bertanya sendiri
Apa sih yang aku cari?

Dalam hati aku sadari
Gemerlap duniawi takkan (sempurna) mengobati
Kerinduan untuk lepas dari sepi

Tapi sekarang tetap saja aku jalani
Karena ini yang dapat kulakukan untuk saat ini

Hingga nanti aku berhenti
Berlabuh pada hati yang sejati
Pada hati yang mencintai
Sampai akhir nanti


June 30, 2008

Bandel dalam rahasia

Sms sahabatku bikin aku deg-deg-an
Jadi memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan
Jangan bandel dong, sahabatku
Resikonya aku yakin kamu yang paling tahu

Gimana nanti kalau kamu hamil
Mengandung seorang bayi kecil
Apa karena cinta semu dari Sang Pangeran
maka akan tega membuang kehidupan?

Bagaimana rasanya melanjutkan ke depan
Bila tahu telah memutuskan satu tali kehidupan
Bukankah akan terus bimbang
‘Rasa bersalah’ dalam ingatan yang senantiasa terkenang

Namun karena semua keputusan adalah di tanganmu
Aku akan menjadi sahabat terbaik untuk kamu
Mendukung dalam pesan
Memeluk diam dalam pelukan


*For Stella --- errr.... kaget aku baca sms -mu
I hope you're doing fine tho... Miss u so much, Girl!*